You want to delete a sound group?\nThis means to delete all of its children, too.\nDo you really want this?
MSG_DeleteGroup_REQGAD (//)
Of course!|I never wanted this!
MSG_DeleteModifiedSound_REQBODY (2202//)
After %ld modifications it is proposed to save the project.\nAccording to McMurphy your Amiga crashes exactly then,\nwhen the damag*#^"q$%fgh n umv8$%&toij9823u498
MSG_DeleteModifiedSound_REQGAD (//)
Simply delete it!|Don't frighten me again!
MSG_DeleteSound_REQBODY (2204//)
Stop young man/young woman!\nTo delete a sound I need your signature:
MSG_DeleteSound_REQGAD (//)
MSG_DeleteRootSound_REQBODY (2206//)
You can take everything away from me,\nbut not the root sound
MSG_DeleteRootSound_REQGAD (//)
So, keep it
MSG_AssamplerAbout_REQBODY (2208//)
»» %s ««\n\n%s\n%s\n%s,
MSG_AssamplerAbout_REQGAD (//)
Cannot believe it
MSG_SaveSession_REQBODY (2210//)
Do you want that the complete group structure including all sounds\nis saved in %s,\nwhich means, that you automatically have it\nif you start the program next time?
MSG_SaveSession_REQGAD (//)
Sure!|Hands off!
MSG_AssamplerQuit_REQBODY (2212//)
Ah you are tired of using me!\nThis surprises me. Who if not me did all these %ld calculations?\nIf you don't want to throw away your work\ncome back and look what you caused here.
MSG_AssamplerQuit_REQGAD (//)
Go away!|Don't leave me!
MSG_DefaultSoundNotFound_REQBODY (2214//)
While loading the default sound following problem occured:\n%s
MSG_DefaultSoundNotFound_REQGAD (//)
A default sound?
MSG_RequesterLoad_TITLE (2250//)
MSG_RequesterOpen_TITLE (//)
MSG_RequesterSave_TITLE (//)
Save %s
MSG_OverwriteFile_REQBODY (//)
What a surprise! A file %s\nhas a double on disk! But there can be only one!\nIf continue you will overwrite the old file.
MSG_OverwriteFile_REQGAD (//)
Continue|I'll find another solution
MSG_txAbstractClass_GAD (4000//)
\ecThis is an abstract class.\nYou can not create an object of it.
MSG_btStorage_GAD (//)
MSG_wiClasses_TITLE (//)
Every class is a class of its own
MSG_btConvert_GAD (//)
MSG_btConvert_SHORTHELP (//)
Convert sound and\nreplace original
MSG_txCreate_GAD (//)
MSG_txCreate_SHORTHELP (//)
Number of sounds\nthat will be created in one go
MSG_btCreateClones_GAD (//)
MSG_btCreateClones_SHORTHELP (//)
Convert sound and put all clones\ninto the same level within the hierarchy
MSG_btCreateBrothers_GAD (//)
MSG_btCreateBrothers_SHORTHELP (//)
Create new sounds and put them\ninto the same level within the hierarchy
MSG_btCreateChildren_GAD (//)
MSG_btCreateChildren_SHORTHELP (//)
Create new sounds and put them\none level below the current into the hierarchy